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Safety and Security
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General Safety & Security Tips
Safety and security are always major concerns and have been accorded with high priority. Keep the followings in mind to enjoy a safe and secured hall life.
- Hall Access: residents can gain access at the main entrance of each Hall by tapping your HKUST Card. You should keep your HKUST card in good condition and report to the Security Centre of University immediately if the card is lost. You may be asked to show your HKUST Card to our hall staff for identity verification.
- Room Safety: keep your valuables locked. Do not leave any valuable items unattended. Lock your door whenever you leave your room.
- Visitors: visitors can visit from 9am to 11pm and must be accompanied by the host resident during the entire visit. Register your visitor at the Service Counter when entering and leaving the hall. No overstaying is allowed without prior approval from the Residence Master.
- Proper Use of Electrical Appliances: read the instructions carefully to prevent any potential hazards caused by misuse. For example, you should not overload or put non-garment into washing machine or put aluminum foil into the microwave oven in the pantry.
- Non-Smoking Campus: the university is a smoke-free campus. Please respect everybody in the community.
When You Hear the Fire Alarm
- Keep calm.
- Protect yourself from fire and smoke.
- Evacuate to the designated assembly point (route posted in lift lobby of each floor) via the nearest safe stairway and fire exits. Never use the lift for evacuation.
- You should always consider your own safety first and only bring along with you your mobile phone, SID card, and keycard if it is safe to do so. Never bring any bulky items or luggage with you.
- In case of a small fire, if it is safe to do so, you may try positioning yourself between the fire and your escape route and putting it out by using suitable firefighting equipment (such as fire extinguisher & fire blanket). If your suppression efforts are unsuccessful, quickly leave the room and close the door behind you to confine the fire and evacuate the building.
- Queue up according to your floor number at the designated assembly point. Report your attendance to your Hall Tutors and wait patiently for announcement.
Fire Drill Exercise
Fire drill exercise usually takes place in the beginning of each term, which aims at raising the safety awareness of residents. You should:
- Be familiar with the fire escape routes in advance. The routes are shown on the floor plan posted at the lift lobby on your floor. Study them carefully and know where to assemble after you evacuate to the open area.
- Fire alarm bells will ring continuously in case of real fire or fire drill. Upon hearing a continuous alarm, evacuate from the building at once.
- CO-OPERATE with hall staff and FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS during the exercise.
- To protect your personal properties, remember to lock up your room before you leave. Neither the Hall Management nor the Security Office will be responsible for any loss or damage of personal properties.
- After evacuation, the Fire Drill commander, i.e. your Residential Life Officer will check the resident rooms. Residents found inside the building not participating in the fire drill WILL BE ASKED to show his/her identity and GIVE EXPLANATION.
- In case you have visitor in the hall at the night of the drill, he or she is ALSO REQUIRED to participate in the fire drill.
- Nobody can foretell when a fire will happen. Please take the exercise seriously. Participation is very important as this is to protect your own life. If you have any physical problems / serious sickness, please let the Hall Office know so that special arrangements can be made during the drill.
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