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Student Housing and Residential Life Office welcomes you all!

Looking for Help?

Before you join the residence hall community at HKUST, do you ever have any expectations? The mission of our office is to provide quality management, facilities, personnel, services and learning programs to our residents. Working in concert with the Dean of Students' Office and other academic departments, we strive to provide a vibrant and diverse living and learning platform for cultural, recreational, social and academic growth. ​

Living in the hall community at HKUST will certainly be an amazing experience where you can meet lots of new friends, learn how to live with your roommates, expose to ideas that you have never encountered. You may even face obstacles and problems that are difficult to solve. Do NOT feel desperate, there are many people within our hall community, including your Hall Residence Masters, Hall Tutors, peers and our SHRLO staff, can offer assistance and support. You are welcome to speak out and discuss with us in order to find ways to cope with the difficulties and this is the transition of how to learn to become independent. You are also encouraged to join various activities organized by Residence Masters, Hall Tutors and student groups. ​

We are sure that it’s going to be an unforgettable experience for you to be involved in our campus life at HKUST!


Meet our Housing Officers


Deputy Head (Student Housing & Residential Life)

Ms Gina CHIK Assistant Manager (Student Housing & Residential Life) 2358-6071


Hall Admission Team

It is a centralized team which coordinates all matters about hall application, hall/room allocation, charges and payment, etc.

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Operation Team

​Each hall has its own operation team, which consists of a Residential Life Officer, hall attendants, security guards and cleaners. They will take care of everything within their halls, e.g. check-in/out, loan system, venues and facilities, defects and complaints, etc.

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