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Guest Pass Scheme
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Guest Pass Scheme (2024/25)
Guest Pass Scheme aims to allow residents to have their guest stay overnight legitimately. With a valid Guest Pass, students who are non-residents can make use of the Scheme to be hosted by a resident to stay overnight in the respective UG hall room.
Click here to apply for a Guest Pass.
Guest Pass Scheme is to be resumed starting from 29 August 2024 until 2 June 2025 (both nights inclusive) in UG Halls I to IX for all full-time registered undergraduate students. The scheme is kept under constant review and may be suspended if deemed necessary.
Brief Policy of the Scheme
- The resident, as host, will be charged HK$20 for each guest per overnight stay. The name of the guest and the day of the stay must be specified at the time of purchase.
- Residents must obtain consent ^ for hosting a guest.
- The maximum number of guests per night is capped at 50 in each hall, on a first-come first-served basis.
- Each resident and room can host 1 guest per night at most. The guest has to be of the same gender as the host.
- Guests have to be HKUST full-time registered undergraduate students and each guest can stay for 15 nights at most per month * under this scheme.
- Once a guest pass is purchased, a confirmation email will be sent to the host, roommate(s) and the guest.
^ see Terms & Conditions Paragraph 12 for definition
* see Terms & Conditions Paragraph 11 for definition
Terms and Conditions
The Scheme
- "Scheme" means the Guest Pass Scheme.
- "Guest Pass" means a pass which allows a non-resident to stay overnight in the room of a host; an overnight stay in this scheme is defined as a stay between 2pm to 12noon of the following day.
- "Guest" means a person who is hosted by a resident in a Hall to stay overnight; guests have to be a full-time registered HKUST undergraduate student and must be of the same gender of the host.
- "Applicant" means a resident in a Hall who submits an application to purchase a guest pass to host an overnight guest in his/her room under this scheme.
- "Host" means an applicant who successfully purchased a guest pass to host an overnight guest in his/her room under this scheme.
- Unless otherwise specified, all residents of the on-campus UG Halls (i.e. UG Halls I to IX) are eligible to purchase guest passes in this scheme.
- Residents who are blacklisted from this scheme will not be eligible to participate in this scheme as hosts or guests.
Quota Restrictions on Guest Passes
- Each host can only have 1 guest and maximum of 1 guest per room is allowed on any single night.
- The maximum number of guests in each hall is capped at 50 per night.
- Any residents in a hall can only purchase a guest pass for a maximum of 15 nights in the most recent 30 consecutive nights.
- Any students eligible for this scheme can be overnight guests for a maximum of 15 nights in the most recent 30 consecutive nights.
Consent for Hosting Guests
- Consent for hosting guests in a room must be sought from all residents of the same room (e.g. self and roommate(s)) before submitting guest pass applications. Such consent can be updated by individuals in the online system anytime during the period of residence.
- Applications for guest passes are processed if all residents of the room have given consent in hosting overnight guests.
- Giving consent to roommates for hosting guests is subject to residents' own will. Residents are strongly advised to mutually agree on the guest hosting arrangements among roommates.
- Any changes in the consent from roommate(s) do not affect any issued guest passes.
Purchasing Guest Passes
- Upon submission of application, the host, guest, and roommate(s) of the host agree to all the Terms & Conditions of this scheme.
- Guest passes can only be purchased during the period as specified by the Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO).
- Applications for purchasing guest passes can only be submitted by the residents through the online application system only.
- Provided that there are no validation errors (e.g. guest hosting consent, quotas restrictions, etc.), applications and purchases of guest passes are confirmed immediately upon submission and payment; successful applicants would then receive the guest passes in the confirmation email.
- Hosts can only purchase guest passes for full-time registered HKUST undergraduate students of the same gender.
- Guest passes can be purchased up to 7 days in advance starting at 12midnight, issued on first-come-first-serve basis.
- Guest passes are valid for a maximum of 2 consecutive nights which the applicant is required to specify the number of nights at the time of purchase.
- Deadline for application is 11pm of the same night of the guest pass.
Alteration of Applications & Issued Guest Passes
- No submitted applications and issued guest passes can be altered; purchased guest passes are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Access to UG Halls with Guest Passes
- Using the turnstile, guests must be accompanied by the host every time when they enter or leave the UG Hall.
- Both guests and hosts must follow instructions given by member of the Hall Management or any person appointed by the Hall Management when entering and leaving the UG Hall through the turnstile.
- Guests may be asked to present their HKUST Student ID Card by member of the Hall Management or any person appointed by the Hall Management for identity checking.
- Those who fail to present proof of identity and/or residence will be asked to leave the Hall and may result in penalties.
- Guest passes shall be charged at a daily rate as specified by SHRLO.
- Online payment has to be made immediately after submission of application; no guest pass will be issued until successful online payment is made and there are no reservation of guest passes.
Guest Conduct & Blacklist
- All guests are required to observe and comply with the Terms & Conditions for Hall Residence and the Hall Rules as stipulated in the SHRLO website; guests and hosts are both responsible for any misconduct actions taken by the guests during their stay in the hall.
- Any reported abuse of this scheme or violation of hall rules can result in disciplinary actions on both the host and the guest such as termination of hall place, being blacklisted from this scheme and penalties.
- Students found abusing the scheme or violating hall rules (e.g. visitors staying overnight without a valid guest pass) are subject to a fixed penalty of HK$500 and other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate, including but not limited to termination of hall residence, banned from future hall application(s) and residence for the rest of the study, blacklisted from this scheme, payment for making good of damaged facilities or any incurred charges. Disciplinary cases will be brought to the Residence Master for deliberation.
Use of Personal Information
- Upon application of this scheme, names and HKUST email addresses would be shared among the residents and the guest of a room. All personal information collected in the application will be used for administrative purposes of this scheme and hall residence-related matters, and will be kept as resident records of the respective residential year.
Final Decision
- SHRLO retains the final decision in any disputes under the scheme.
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