Hall Rules for UG Halls and Jockey Club Hall
1 Accommodation in the Hall is provided to assigned residents for the specific purpose of personal residence only. Use of the premises for any other purpose (e.g. giving to another person to reside in, storage, etc.) is prohibited.
Change of Rooms
2 Change of rooms is not allowed except with permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. Residents found changing rooms privately will be penalized as appropriate.
3 Proof of identity of any person present in the Hall may be requested by the member of the Hall Management or any person appointed by the Hall Management. Those who fail to present proof of residence will be asked to leave the Hall or will result in penalties.
4 A resident shall be responsible for the room key/keycard assigned for his/her use. A room key/keycard is not to be duplicated, loaned or furnished to anyone else.
5 Preparation, reheating and cooking of food is only allowed in the areas designated for such purposes.
6 The University is a non-smoking campus. Smoking is not allowed in the entire University campus or in any part of the Hall premises.
Safety and Fire Hazards
7.1 Possession of any items or chemicals e.g. weapons, explosives, highly combustible materials that are potentially dangerous and damaging is prohibited.
7.2 Open flames, including candles and incense, are prohibited in any part of the Hall premises.
7.3 Interference of fire service devices is prohibited.
8 It is the responsibility of the resident to keep his/her room clean and tidy and the joint responsibility of all residents in the Hall to keep the common areas of the Hall (including apartments in UG Hall VIII, UG Hall IX & Jockey Club Hall) in a clean and tidy condition.
Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures
9.1 A resident shall not interfere with existing fixtures and fittings or install new utilities or fittings, without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office.
9.2 A resident shall not affix any glue, scotch-tape, gum-paper, nails, spikes, tacks or any other thing on or drive the same into any wall or floor or any fixture, fittings or furniture in any part of the Hall premises without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office.
9.3 Furniture and equipment of the Hall must not be moved away from the Hall premises or moved from one room to another except with the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office.
9.4 A fixed penalty of HK$500 will be levied on residents who damaged and/or tampered with any fixture, fittings or furniture. In addition, residents involved will be responsible to bear the cost of making good of the damaged and/or tampered with item(s).
Decorations and Display Materials
10.1 Decorations and display materials are allowed to be put onto designated notice boards or places as permitted by the Student Housing and Residential Life Office.
10.2 Decoration and display materials on bedroom doors and other areas inside the Hall are normally allowed, provided that they do not deface surfaces, impose safety risk or cause disturbance to any other residents. Prior approval from the Student Housing and Residential Life Office is required.
10.3 Decorations or display materials which deface surfaces or cause obstructions are prohibited.
Hallways and Public Areas
11.1 According to the Fire Safety Regulations of Hong Kong, hallways, walkways, stairs and other public areas (e.g. common rooms, lobbies, etc.) are to be kept clear of equipment, furniture, trash and any other obstacles that might obstruct passage. Items found in these areas will be confiscated and discarded at the expense of the resident who is responsible without prior notice.
11.2 Common rooms are for the use of all residents. Any activity that obstructs others to use the common area is strictly prohibited.
Dress Code
12 A resident shall be properly attired; T-shirt, shorts and sandals are the minimum requirements in any common areas of the Hall premises.
13.1 Washing of clothes should only be performed in the laundry room.
13.2 Residents should make use of the dryers in the laundry room to dry their clothes as far as possible; if hang-dry is required, it can only be performed in the designated drying areas outside the Hall premises.
13.3 Laundry found hanging from the ceiling in public area or outside the windows of the bedroom will be confiscated and discarded without prior notice.
14 A resident shall not bring into the Hall or permit to be brought into his/her room any dangerous drugs as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134).
15 Consumption or storage of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in all student halls.
16 A resident shall not engage in any gambling whatsoever in the Hall or permit such gambling to take place in his/her room.
17 A resident shall not bring or maintain pets, animals, birds or fish of any kind in the Hall premises.
18.1 A resident may invite visitors to the Hall during the visitor hours, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
18.2 Visitors who would like to stay overnight in the student halls are REQUIRED to purchase a Guest Pass. Details maybe found here.
18.3 All visitors must be accompanied by their hosts during their stay in the Hall. Visitors who are not accompanied by a host will be asked to leave the Hall.
18.4 The host resident will be held responsible for any misconduct or actions taken by his/her visitor(s) during their stay in the Hall, including disciplinary actions or fines, as considered appropriate by the Residence Master.
Personal Belongings
19 Personal belongings should be placed in student bedrooms. A resident shall not place large personal items in common areas (e.g. common rooms in UG Halls, living room in apartments in Jockey Club Hall, etc.).
Commercial Activities
20 Commercial activities and promotion are prohibited in the Hall.
Disruptive Actions and Behaviors
21.1 Actions or behaviors that disturbs other residents or the orderly operation of the Hall; or that threatens the health and safety of self or other residents; or that unreasonably interfere with other residents’ normal use of facilities; or that causes nuisance (e.g. getting drunk and defiling public facilities, entering the bedrooms of other residents without their consent, failing to settle proper taxi fare, triggering false fire alarm, etc.) to campus users are prohibited.
21.2 A fixed penalty of HK$500 plus other incurred charges, if any (e.g. taxi fare, etc.) will be levied on residents who were found breaching Clause
21.3 Students found abusing the Guest Pass scheme or violating hall rules (e.g. visitors staying illegally without a valid guest pass) are subject to a fixed penalty of HK$500 and other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate, including but not limited to termination of hall residence, ban from future hall application(s) and residence for rest of study, blacklist from the scheme, and payment for making good of damaged facilities or any incurred charges. Disciplinary cases will be brought to the Residence Master for deliberation.
Interpretation of Rules
22 The Residence Master shall have the authority to interpret these Rules.
Breach of Rules
23 If anyone fails to observe the Hall Rules, the Residence Master may impose penalties, including suspension or termination of hall residency and/or disciplinary actions, on the resident or host resident of the visitor.