Early Withdrawal
Students who accepted the offer are committed to paying the hall charges for the residential period they have accepted irrespective of the actual days they stay. Early withdrawal would be considered case by case and on a term basis. All charges paid are NON-refundable and NON-transferable.
If a student intends to check out earlier than the last day of the residential period stated previously, s/he is required to submit written notification to SHRLO at least 1.5 MONTHs before your desired move-out date.
For check-out before the last day of the offer stated previously, the last month's hall fee will be calculated as follows:
- Residents have to pay half of the monthly hall fee if the resident checks out at any time on or before 12:00 noon on the 16th of the month; otherwise,
- Residents shall pay a full month's hall fee if the resident checks out at any time after 12:00 noon on the 16th of the month.
If residents wish to check out on or before 12:00 noon on the 16th of the month, they should write to SHRLO on or before the 15th of the previous month as at least one month’s notice is required. The hall fee will be calculated till the 15th of the month, which is the cut-off date of each month. If the notice is not given by the 15th of the previous month, residents shall pay for a full month's hall fee and check out at any time before 12:00 noon on the 1st of the next month.
You may also refer to another example stated in the FAQ for PG applicants.