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About / Governance /

Hall Admission and Selection Committee


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Terms of Reference ​

The Hall Admissions and Selection Committee (“HASC”) is formed: ​

  1. To oversee matters related to both undergraduate and postgraduate hall admissions and selection processes.​
  2. To advise and make recommendations to the Dean of Students on policies relating to hall admissions and selection processes.​
  3. To deliberate and make decisions on the appeals and special requests which cannot be processed under the existing hall allocation mechanism in a meeting format as determined by the Chairperson. 


Membership Composition ​

The members of the Hall Admissions and Selection Committee (“HASC”) shall be composed of the following: ​

  1. A Chairperson appointed by the Dean of Students. ​
  2. Four representatives among the Residence Masters; ​
  3. One representative from the Student Housing and Residential Life Office (“SHRLO”), nominated by the Chairperson; ​
  4. Three Undergraduate or Postgraduate student representatives, with at least one Local and one Non-Local, nominated by the relevant student bodies or Residence Masters; ​
  5. Two student representatives as co-op members, with at least one Undergraduate and one Postgraduate, while either one must be female and the other one must be male, nominated by the Chairperson ​
  6. Secretary nominated by the Chairperson. ​


*The membership of a Student Member is only valid when his/her student status is active (defined according to the University Registry), which means the student’s membership would terminate with effect by the day his/her student status changes to completed / discontinued / dismissed / on leave