Part 1. Priority Housing
1.1 Non-Local students in their first two years of study (2 years)
Non-Local students (definition according to the Education Bureau) will be provided with student accommodation in their first two years of study at HKUST. Submission of proof is NOT required for this section.
1.2 First Year Local students (one semester minimum)
First Year Local students will be provided with at least one semester of University housing either in the Fall or Spring Term of their first year of study at HKUST. A certain number of quotas would be reserved for the consideration of extension to a full-year University housing offer, only applicable to those whose proofed home address has the highest one-way Travelling Time (TT). Valid Address Proof for the reported local home address is required for this section.
1.3 First two years Local students with No-Home-Base (NHB) in Hong Kong (2 years)
Local students who claim to have No-Home-Base in Hong Kong will be provided with two years of University housing in the first two years of study. Valid Proof for NHB status is required for each residential year for this section.
1.4 First two years Local students with a one-way Travelling Time (TT) over 120 minutes
Two years of University housing in the first two years of study will be provided to Local students with a one-way TT over 120 minutes. Valid Address Proof for the reported local home address is required for each residential year for this section.
After two years of priority housing, this group of students may apply for priority consideration by the Hall Admissions and Selection Committee in their remaining normal studying period.
1.5 Exchange-In students
Exchange In students will be provided with University housing for their respective exchange periods, and the University housing application will be arranged by HKUST.
1.6 Students of University-approved schemes or programs
Students of University-approved schemes or programs will be provided with University housing for the respective period as requested by schemes or programs and approved by the University.
1.7 By Decision of the Hall Admissions and Selection Committee
The Hall Admissions and Selection Committee will, by discretion, consider special applications for University housing. Other than non-first two years Local students with a one-way TT over 120 minutes, students demonstrating exceptional hardship may be considered. Please refer to Annex I: Guideline for Special Applications with Exceptional Hardship for details.
1.8 For details regarding the procedures and requirements for acquiring priority housing, please refer to Annex II: Guideline for Part 1 - Priority Housing.