Chapter I: Eligibility for Student Accommodation
Who is entitled to Student Accommodation?
All full-time registered undergraduate (UG) students of HKUST, except students in the categories listed below, are eligible for consideration for limited University housing.
Students in the following categories are NOT eligible for student housing:
- Termination of Study
- Program Completion
- Leave of Study*
- Exchange-Out*
Extension of Length of Study beyond the Normal Duration [referencing to AR3.4 of the Academic Regulations; refer to HERE for details]
Once a student's registration status falls into one of the above-mentioned ineligible categories; or a student is no longer a full-time registered UG of the University, any associated University housing offer will be cancelled or adjusted accordingly. Those who are already residents of a student hall will be required to vacate University housing by a specified date.
*Please note that the admission exercise for each Residential Year is conducted ONCE ONLY. Even if students have unconfirmed leave/ exchange plans in the coming Residential Year or their registration status is not active during the specified application period, these students still need to submit a hall application during the specified application period.