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Chapter III: Application and Admission Rules
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- General admission procedures apply to all hall applicants. Failure to complete any of the required procedures within the stipulated deadline will result in the application being treated as WITHDRAWN without prior notice.
- All hall applicants must apply via the specified application system.
- Applications are not on first-come-first-served basis; all applications received within the application period will be processed together.
- Hall application is conducted once a year, with a clearly specified application period each year. Students who wish to apply for student housing are required to submit a hall application within the specified application period regardless of their registration status during the application period, or their unconfirmed leave plans in the coming residential year. Late applications will NOT be entertained.
- Applicants may indicate a maximum of 2 room type preferences in the housing application. Hall and Room Allocation will be made by considering residents’ preferences (within the same batch of housing offers), subject to availability. Those who cannot assigned to any of their preferred room type(s) due to supply and demand imbalance will be assigned on a random basis.
- Applicants (especially who apply for a couple room) are responsible for providing true and accurate information, including all proofs and supporting evidence that facilitates the hall officers in verifying the eligibility for the claim status.
- Provision of false or inaccurate information will lead to DISQUALIFICATION and CANCELLATION of the hall applications and associated offers. You may also be held accountable for subsequent disciplinary actions and legal consequences.
- In case of doubts, the applicant should contact the Student Housing and Residential Life Office for clarification, especially before submitting the supporting documents.
- Hall Admissions and Selection Committee reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in case of any dispute.
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