Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence
In these Terms and Conditions:
1.1 "Residence Master" means a person appointed by the Dean of Students to take charge of the Hall.
1.2 "Residence Master" means a person appointed by the Executive Vice-President & Provost to take charge of the Hall.
1.3 “Hall Management” means a team of management and executive staff appointed by the Dean of Students to perform functions and duties in relation to the residential life education and/or facilities management and operation of the Halls.
1.4 "Hall Resident" means a student of the University who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted under the hall admission policies for the time being in force.
1.5 "Vacation Resident" means any person, other than the Hall Management and Hall Tutors, who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted by the Head of Student Housing and Residential Life under regulations and procedures for summer programs approved by the University.
1.6 "Guest" means a person who is allowed to stay overnight in the student hall upon the successful purchasing of a Guest Pass by a registered resident of the hall.
1.7 "Visitor" means a person who is allowed to enter the student hall upon registration by an official resident of the hall.
Compliance with Terms and Conditions
2. A hall resident, vacation resident and visitor shall observe and comply with these terms and conditions, with the hall rules, with any reasonable order of the Residence Master, and whenever appropriate with the general regulations of the University.
Hall Admission
3.1 Application for hall residence shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the application and/ or disciplinary action.
3.2 Head of Student Housing and Residential Life shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the University, admit vacation residents for such period as he/ she may decide appropriate.
Payment of Hall Charges
4. Each hall resident or vacation resident shall pay the hall charges in accordance with the rates of charges and the general conditions and methods of payment for the time being in force.
Privileges of Hall Resident, Vacation Resident and the Guest
5. A hall resident, vacation resident, or guest who has paid all appropriate hall charges or who has purchased a Guest Pass or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, shall, subject to the provisions of clause 11.4, be entitled to reside in the hall and use its facilities during the paid period. Use of other facilities outside the hall premises is not an entitlement of hall residence.
6.1 A hall resident or vacation resident may invite visitors to the hall subject to hall rules.
6.2 A hall resident may hold overnight guest in the hall subject to hall rules.
6.3 The Residence Master may prohibit any visitor or any person not being a hall resident, vacation resident or guest from entering the hall, ask him/ her to leave the hall, or permit him/her to remain on the premise at any time.
6.4 The Residence Master may blacklist a guest who has violated the hall rules and forbid him/her from entering the premise at any time.
Responsibility for Injury and Damage
7.1 The hall resident, vacation resident or guest shall make good or pay on demand for any damage to furniture, fittings, fabric and property of the hall for which he/she is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted. In case of shared facilities in resident rooms or apartments, it is the joint responsibility of all those sharing the use of the facilities concerned to make good or pay on demand for the damages.
7.2 The University or, the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of damage to any property, goods, articles or things whatsoever brought into the Hall by the hall resident, vacation resident or guest.
Inspection of Rooms
8. The Residence Master or executive staff of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office reserves the right to authorize entry into any rooms in the Hall with or without prior notification to ensure proper care, maintenance and safety of the facilities; to make necessary repairs; and to investigate violations of hall rules. Effort will be made as far as possible to give advance notice when room entry is necessary.
Vacating Room and Removal of Property
9. Immediately after the termination of residency, a hall resident or vacation resident shall vacate the room and remove all personal property in the room. Any personal property found after the termination of residency will be removed and the hall management may at his/ her discretion dispose of or sell out such property and in such event, the proceeds of sale will be paid into the revenue of the hall account. The University shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to such property.
Penalty for Late Check Out
10. A fixed penalty of HK$100 per person per night plus the hall charges incurred due to late check-out will be levied on those who fail to observe the check-out date as stipulated on the Offer Letter and vacate the student halls on time. Both charges continue to apply until the resident concerned completes the proper check-out procedures by returning all keys to the hall attendants AND sign on the check-out record.
11.1 The Residence Master may, in accordance with authorities vested in him/ her by the University, take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or vacation resident for violation of terms and conditions of hall residence and hall rules.
11.2 The Residence Master may confiscate any appliances or items which according to hall rules are not allowed to be brought into the hall without permission, or any equipment used in such a way as to disturb or endanger others.
11.3 The Residence Master may impose a fine on any person who is not a hall resident or a vacation resident and who is found in the Hall without prior permission after the time for the departure of visitors from the Hall as laid down in the hall rules.
11.4 The Residence Master may suspend or terminate, with or without notice, a resident from hall residency when there is reason to believe that the person’s residence will lead to behavior incompatible with the orderly operation of the hall.
11.5 No refund of any hall fees will be made for suspension or termination of residency imposed as a disciplinary action.
11.6 A hall resident or vacation resident may appeal to the Head of Student Housing and Residential Life against any findings of the Residence Master that he/ she has violated hall rules. The appeal must be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the appeal.